Baby is not amused, nor are we, at the failure of the much-touted Weblog Awards to deliver. Harrumph.
The Weblog Awards are cute but dumb. You can't have a contest like that after all these years of experience and have your server down half the morning and then half if not more of the evening. Somebody's asleep at the switch.
Like, what if one of your fans was about to vote for you and couldn't access the site? Oh, never mind.
Update: One thing you can always count on is Steve's Friday Ark -- the 116th this week -- at Modulator. We always dread the "In Memoriam" category. This week it hits close to home with homages to Laurence Simon's irreplaceable Piper.
Sissy, I hate that we're in the same category, but I am SO glad you're in the finalists too! I certainly don't expect to win; I'm happy just having the sidebar jewelry. ;-)
Congratulations, doll! xoxoxo!
Posted by: Beth | December 09, 2006 at 01:19 AM
Beth: When you're a nominee, you're a nominee all the way, from your first finalist notification to your last dying day . . .
If there were a God, you would win. I don't mind that Stop the ACLU is ahead, however, as he seems to be on the right side of history.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | December 09, 2006 at 06:16 AM