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December 17, 2006


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There's a typo in this post but no way to fix it till we get back home. Goomp's XP program is telling us there's a "stack overflow" . . . Teresa, please help. What's going on here?

Also, why doesn't anyone ever talk about XP's search problem? Every other time I try to search in XP, it freezes up, and I have to start from scratch.

Sorry I've been trying to finish all the Christmas stuff and although I dashed in earlier to read - I ended up having to dash back out again without having read a thing... ARG!!! Hate when that happens.

Hmmm... sounds like Goomp's XP has some issues and not good ones. I wish I had a copy of the "stack overflow" error message. That would help a lot, meantime I'll do some searching myself and see what I come up with. Might be a spyware problem (that would certainly be my guess if you're having trouble doing searches)

Email me if you have any other info I could use. :-)

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