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« Turkey's moment to shine | Main | "I want another chiquita to go with me" »

November 29, 2006


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You have it. Tolerance. Can the human animal extend it? It is mighty hard if you don't believe all cultures are equal and you feel that the one you object to is destroying civilization. I wish I knew the answer.

wonderful Leader...

i am very appreciative of this fine Man...

The Pope is an inspiration to me as his predecessor frequently was not. There's just something about him that resonates.

The pics of your babies are, as always, delightful. My Tim is playful like that but Sam tends to be more "dignified" as befits his great age of 5-1/2 years! But get him in the right mood and look out! Last night he decided that Tim had gotten way too used to monopolizing my attention and Sam proceeded to put on a show of running and playing and actually jumping on my lap that was a delight.

Cats rule - at least yours and mine do!

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