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November 30, 2006


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Fleming's rendition is truly extraordinary. I remember how moving and pleasurable it was to sing that piece with the Glee Club at GDA back in 1937 and 38.

Keep your eyes open for a movie from 1938 called Mad About Music with Deanna Durbin. She sings the Ave Maria near the beginning of the movie. Can you imagine a movie being made now... first of all with anything resembling operatic singing - secondly with one of the songs being this particular piece.

It is sadly not available on DVD, but you may find it on being shown on TMC at some point.

Anyhow, thanks for the link to this version, it's beautiful.

such beauty and grace...

i'm smitten.

Ms. Renée Fleming is wow...

this music is a slice of heaven on Earth.

thank you Ms. Willis.

best wishes.

Enjoyed it, though opera is a Brill Cream thing for me.

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