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« A bird in hand . . . | Main | They neither recognize their mortal enemies nor have the skills to fight for their own survival »

November 17, 2006


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What ever you put your many talents to, the results are always among the best.

Hmmm, getting hungry.....can't wait! Looking forward to the feast in a big way!

It all looks quite tasty.

Alas, I am a lousy cook blessed with an understanding family.

Wow! You get hostess of the year award my dear. It all looks lovely. *grin*

now i am so hungry...

ohhhhh my...

so much to be Thankful for...

My virtual, long-distance contribution: the best carrot salad in the known universe.


I love your cat. All cats really, especially if they are my own, but my landlord now doesn't permit. My heart breaks from time to time unexpectedly.
I'm curious about what you are saying re:
non government. What is significant about government and non in everyday homey, cozy, activity? Turkey in the house & those yummy looking potatoes.....
About me: I'm 47 female in Illinois/Chicago area, first time voter election just past. I want a bachelors/paralegal from Roosevelt here, but first I have to do an associate arts/political science.
Can you see how I'm challenged?
Please inform as much as you have time for, I guess this is turning out to be a plea for help, and I feel I've been touched by an angel of sorts!! See e-mail above. Thanks in advance, I hope I'm not a complete idiot/inapropriate.

Pam: It sounds like you are on a fruitful course. Let me know what I can do to help.

I really meant to help you eat that turkey, but my wife got into a painting frenzy and I had to pick up the roller. I'm sorry to have missed you and the gang.

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