"The Goodwin Hotel has been voted Hartford's Best Hotel for its elegant accommodations and impeccable service," boasts the website of the fancy digs where Tuck and we will be staying election night. Why the Goodwiin, you ask. Read on.
Senator Joseph Lieberman's victory -- YES! -- party will be held next Tuesday night at "Hartford's premier business and social address," The Goodwin Hotel, "where classic turn-of-the-century settings combine with turn-of-the-millennium convenience." And guess what? Thanks to Roger L. Simon, we've got Pajamas Media press access to what should prove to be one of the more interesting denouements of the current silly season, where Hadassah's Joey -- thrown out of the pouch compliments of the base base of the Democrat Party -- will take his rightful place as one of the first nationally prominent "freerangers" of the 21st century. PJM is similarly covering the Governator's victory party on the west coast.
Our assignment, should we accept it -- and we have -- is to work the room, looking for interesting folk -- the famouser and more controversial the better -- to video interview with our Pentax Optio 450. Then we'll feed whatever we can grab to Andrew Marcus, who will upload the goodies to the PJM site. Egad. We've got our work cut out for us practicing how to do that between now and Tuesday. Where's that manual? As we told Roger during a phone conversation this evening, we've only ever made mini-videos of cats, but he doesn't see that as a problem, so we're donning our videographer's hat and heading south Tuesday morning for a one-night stand, with Tuck at the wheel. The ride down should give us a chance to finish reading Mark Steyn's America Alone. Here are a few excerpts from our most recent Lieberman post to get us in the mood:
"In response to one of my questions, the Senator allowed that he felt running as an independent to be 'empowering,'" writes Roger L. Simon in a totally fascinating teaser for his forthcoming exclusive Pajamas Media interview with Joey Lieberman:
I could see in his eyes that he meant that in deep way. I empathized. I know from my own life how empowering shaking off the old clothes of rigid received ideas and alliances can be. At best, you can be reborn. Not a bad deal for someone whose age has a 6 in front of it.
Like the heart that loves, the heart that shakes off "the old clothes of rigid received ideas and alliances" is forever young. We are particularly thrilled with Joey's epiphany, as those ratty old clothes he donned during his brief and unseemly affair with the "Inconvenient Gasbag" in Election 2000 were ill fitting, indeed.
Speaking of shaking off old clothes, what will we wear?
so wonderful...
well deserved and such fun.
if you run into Sen. JOE Lieberman, maybe you can get him to rethink his taxation addictions.
have fun!
Posted by: hnav | November 02, 2006 at 11:01 AM
Congratulations !!!
You will be a new media sensation. I'm looking forward to your observtions on what you see and hear .
Posted by: Tara | November 02, 2006 at 01:23 PM