"Evil dictators will be evil dictators no matter what we do. The security of the United States is not a game. Can we afford a party that treats it like one?" goes the tagline of the blockbuster campaign ad that dare not speak its name. Score another one for Karl Rove. (Click on image to get an eyeful.)
"History has taught us that evil needs to be confronted, not
appeased," says the voiceover in David Zucker's sidesplitting new campaign ad, the one that none of the official outlets are
airing, presumably afraid of upsetting Islamofascist Democrat sensibilities. This isn't your sister's Airplane! director. Fortunately for the future of Western Civilization, former Hollywood liberal David Zucker got mugged by 911 and takes no prisoners. As our sis says, "Former RATS mugged by reality are our finest allies":
The DRUDGE REPORT has obtained an exclusive copy of a "scary" campaign advertisement created by Hollywood producer and director David Zucker that was intended to be used by GOP organizations in the closing weeks of the 2006 campaign.
However, the advertisement was deemed "too hot" by GOP strategists all across Washington, DC who have refused to use it!
An actress playing Secretary Albright is shown presenting Kim Jong-Il with the Michael Jordan basketball, painting the walls of Osama bin Laden's Afghanistan cave and turning a blind eye to suicide bombers. In one scene her skirt rips as she changes the tire of a Middle Eastern dictator's limousine.
One GOP strategist said "jaws dropped" [Sure. Karl, you're a genius!] when the ad was first viewed. "Nobody could believe Zucker thought any political organization could use this ad. It makes a point, but it's way over the top."
Tell us another one. A wicked clever political ad produced by one of our generation's best comic cinematic minds is "way over the top"? A little background from Drudge:
Zucker is the producer and director of comedies such as "Airplane!" and "The Naked Gun." In 2004, Zucker, a longtime Democrat, embraced the Republican Party based on concerns he had about national security issues and voted for President George W. Bush.
"In an increasingly dangerous world, even after the first terrorist attack on America, John Kerry and the liberals in Congress voted to slash America's intelligence operations by 6 billion dollars, cuts so deep they would have weakened America's defenses, and weakness attracts those who are waiting to do America harm," went the voiceover of "Wolves," a 2004 campaign ad "approved by President Bush." Click on image to view the ad.
"In a post-911 world, making nice to our enemies will not make them nice to us. On the contrary, to them, it is a sign of weakness," goes the script of the Zucker ad, echoing that haunting ad of wolves moving in for the kill aired during the '04 presidential election, blogged here. As we wrote then, referring to "powerful imagery touching primal fears":
We've always said -- whether anyone was listening or not -- that the forces of darkness (apologies to wolves, who have their own imperatives, which we totally respect but would always defend our own against) are forever waiting just outside the campfire of civilization to move in for the kill.
Osama's observation that when people have a choice between a strong horse and a weak horse, they go with the strong horse comes to mind.
Those who do not study evolution are doomed to repeat it?
"The [2004] ad, reminiscent of Ronald Reagan's 'Bear'' ad that was credited with framing the 1984 race, shows a dense forest from above," reported the UK's Guardian at the time. Ironically, a memorable "Airplane!" quotation oft quoted by cultists like ourselves and our sis shows how far toward the light Zucker has come from his undressed salad days:
I haven't felt this awful since I saw that Ronald Reagan film.
As Rumack says in "Airplane!"
Yes, he looked at me and said, "Doc," he said, "Some time, when the crew is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, tell 'em to get out there and give it all they've got. And win just one for the Zipper. I don't know where I'll be then Doc, he said. But I won't smell too good, that's for sure."
This just in: Even as we blog, a small plane has crashed into an upscale Manhattan apartment building, and NORAD planes are scrambling. Tuck thinks he heard a plane which could have been military going by high overhead. As Drudge always says, developing . . .
Praise be to the awakening Zuckers of this country. Our president is a man of honor and strength. Trashing the fuzzy minded Liberals is not his style but Zucker's tale can do some good when spread on the blog and reported else where.
Posted by: goomp | October 11, 2006 at 04:36 PM
"But I won't smell too good, that's for sure."
* anyone running against Hillary (say in 2008) should carry around a basketball autographed by Michael Jordan...
Posted by: hnav | October 12, 2006 at 01:30 AM
This world is entirely too scarey sometimes! And frankly, I think the commercial SHOULD HAVE BEEN AIRED! It would prove, once and for all, that the Drive-By Dems have NO SENSE OF HUMOR!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | October 12, 2006 at 10:56 AM
Gayle, it's much better for the "ad" to get around this way. It keeps the Dems from yelling about a Bush smear campaign... yet it is available for all to see. Plus it gets more attention because it was "banned" in a way. This always makes a book or video more popular - everyone wants to know what "they won't show us". Ah that Karl, he's a genius. *grin*
Posted by: Teresa | October 12, 2006 at 12:13 PM
You might be right - but you have to admit it might have been kind of fun watching Howard Dean's head finally explode!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | October 12, 2006 at 02:57 PM