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October 23, 2006


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With my 87th birthday just three weeks away I have to admit that old age has caught up with me. In 1980 with an Apple II we were a front runner doing spread sheets with Visicalc. In the early 90's we transferred the data to Windows Microsoft works. But now, no more new systems, PLEASE. The old brain can't learn the new. I am stuck in the early 90's. I am, however mighty pleased to have a daughter who can carry on.

Energizer bunnies run in families.

Musing Minds voted earlier in Instapundit's poll and we were in about the same time with the same vote. We also have a wonderful cordless mouse that recharges (logitech) but we are running Windows, not MacOS


SISU is so cutting edge...

something about Apple designs in the last few decades, that seems worthy of a Museum Exhibition.

almost so nice, you don't want to use it...

something tells me, a pure voice activating operating interface, will not be as fun as having the many toys.

Goomp - I well remember the Apple IIC with no hard drive. I used Visicalc and WordPerfect 1.0 on that baby and it never let me down.

Sissy - is Baby capable of an unattractive pose because I have yet to see one! Baby is, of course, gracing my office computer as we speak as a lovely background!

Wireless eh? I have one word for you... batteries. Corner the market because you will need them. Especially if you get a wireless keyboard too.

Also - DO NOT throw out your wired mouse. Keep it - put it somewhere. When something breaks (and something always does) it often means that the bluetooth connection won't work properly and the only way you can get to stuff and figure it out is to reconnect with your wired accessories.

For me - I'll stick with wired. I've had to troubleshoot wireless stuff. My boss went wireless at the office... not only that - but he tossed all but one wired mouse (I think he overlooked it - heh). It was nothing but screaming frustration for several hours. If I hadn't found the one wired mouse - I would have had to go buy one just to fix the computer.

When they work, they are lovely. When they don't - have your wired stuff available.

I'm just sayin'...

Teresa: You're scary! :-)


Come on in, my good man - the water's fine. The new generation of Intel-based Macs running OS X are the finest personal computers I have ever used, and like you I started using them back in the 80s.


You are *so* right... the wireless Mighty Mouse rocks. With the MacBook's long battery life and WiFi, I can sit in any public network space in NYC and work for hours.

Look, ma - no cords!

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