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« If they were wrong about Vietnam, their entire worldview is in question | Main | "Simply an affirmation of naked power" »

October 20, 2006


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I was lucky enough to meet Elisson in person last weekend - what a terrific guy. (sadly his kitty wasn't there for the party *grin*)

Cats are where it's at.

They know everything.

Is that what they're calling it these days? "Cha cha cha"? Heh.

Ohh, that Matata. She's such a whore...but I love her.

A whore with a heart of gold.

Great photos !

Dear Ms. Willis...

I have some good potential news in the midst of the doom and gloomers, with the biased media polls...

Barron's has put out their interesting forecast, and it is worth a look.


It will be fun to prove Mr. Morris, Ms. Rodham, Mr. Dean, Ms. Pelosi, etc., completely wrong again.

Time to make history...

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