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« The American Hiroshima? | Main | "History is on America's side" »

September 20, 2006


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great post Ms. Willis...
really enjoyed the red crossout.
thank you...

El Greco's expression lifts mankind, and this monster named Ahmadinejad tears it down.

perhaps, making this even more sad, the liberals who embrace these monsters, in a pathetic blindness...

The fawning over both Ahmadinejad is exceeded only by the ubiquitous presence of former President Clinton on all the news shows. What is that despicable horndog running for (as if we didn't already know)? I guess, like Jimmy Carter before him, he's trying to redeem his utterly failed and disgraced presidency by good works. What the dictator of Iran is trying to accomplish is also clear - but not Dan Rather, nor Anderson Cooper nor Larry King nor any of the other leftwing nutbar enablers are able to see the Armageddon that awaits, should his regime be permitted to continue.

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