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« Even educated fleas do it | Main | "Making her statement in a grand manner" »

September 09, 2006


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Sisu, that was a great analysis of the ShrinkWrap's thesis. If it comes to suppression of democrocy and freedom, let us hope a person of Lincoln's stature such as George Bush will be the one, not a lame-brained liberal.

a fascinating post...

when the Clinton's lied about the Genocide in Rwanda, i was stunned so many liberal partisans blindly defended these negligent opportunists.

it is a serious American Tragedy, those 8 years, and it still haunts our existence today.

one can only hope the Clintons, and those who lied on their behalf, will someday no longer send others astray.

perhaps they will gain some justice in the end.

but the denial, enabling, censorship, deceit, corruption became common practice for the Democrat Liberal Partisan in the 1990s, emboldened the pathetic Bill and Hillary Clinton...

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