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September 27, 2006


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It's a cats' world.

That first picture is absolutely breathtaking in its beauty - or rather, the subject of the picture is! You have 2 really extraordinary cats. I must get my digital camera up and running! Sam and Tim know I have pictures of "strange cats" on my computer!

I agree; the first picture is outstanding. And how you get action shots is beyond me... when I try everything is either a blur with hair or... she's just gone. One moment there, the next not. ;)

very nice...

the old reliable comes through again.

I wouldn't even try it, I can barely take pictures of non-moving plants. *grin* Yet the little cutie pies are so photogenic aren't they.

Blogged about Sam and Tim last night. They've discovered the ultimate joy of torturing their "staff" person!

What sweet pictures!

It took me a long time to actually read the book and use the burst feature.

Warning: One tends to have very many pictures of the kitties that way and weeding them out can be difficult especially when the subject is as beautiful as your two cats.

I wish I had two beautiful cats instead of the seven I have.

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