Baby Paws polishes his weapons of choice early morning after an extended -- disproportionate? -- night out in field and forest down Goomp's.
Once again we woke up early morning to the tune of CNN International grinding out contaminated sausage. First, an imail snippet to set the scene:
She: Anybody out there?
We: No one but us chickens up so far. Lots of feline activity. I saw sausage being made again this morning. A CNN International shrew was browbeating the Israeli Foreign Minister's spokesman about targeting civilians during the "ceasefire."
She: I don't want to talk about it.
We: They kept showing -- questionable? [see Reutersgate] -- footage of Katrina-style traffic jams supposedly heading back to southern Lebanon to take advantage of the ceasefire to check out their homes. She asked him five or six times in succession the same question, as he wasn't in the mood to tell her what she wanted to hear.
The youngish CNN International battleaxe wanted the Israeli spokesman to "admit" that the Israelis would deliberately "target" -- can you say bomb them back to the stone age? -- those allegedly innocent everyday Lebanese caught in traffic. She asked the exact same question at least five times, but he wasn't buying. Who on earth other than Islmofascist terrorists and their clueless fellow travelers would take advantage of everyday Lebanese citizens yearning to get back to their own homes and check things out? That, of course, was the all-too-human emotional response Hezbollah's CNN International fellow travelers were counting on. We had a zillion questions. Knowing that AP photographers and others of their ilk were in the business of producing faux footage, we wondered exactly where this traffic jam was taking place, which direction the cars were headed, what was the date of the alleged re-entry into southern Lebanon. It looked very much like an evacuation of southern Lebanon might have appeared. But no one at CNN International was asking any questions other than ARE YOU DELIBERATELY TARGETING LEBANESE CITIZENS CAUGHT IN TRAFFIC?
What will they be asking when the nu-kyu-lar bombs explode in their faces?
Braindead multicultural leftists are set for extinction, but at least the President and some in the media are calling a spade a spade or the terrorists the Holy War Islamofacsists by their real name.
Posted by: goomp | August 14, 2006 at 10:10 AM
I don't know how you can watch CNN - they drive me nuts they are so biased for the enemy. They should change their name to Islamo News Network.
Posted by: Teresa | August 14, 2006 at 12:42 PM
When we were stationed in Germany all we had was CNN International. That's when I started to really get on the internet. For a time we could watch the Fox News Channel on the internet and then they took that away.
CNN International is a horrid organization. One time our tv froze on a BBC gardening show and at the time the scene on the telly was of manure. It stayed that way for several days but I didn't care because at least it wasn't CNN International.
Posted by: Laura Lee Donoho | August 14, 2006 at 11:52 PM
The West is slowly...ever so slowly...coming around. Here and there a head is popping up and calling the enemy by name, even if it is lopped off by a barrage of political correctness immediately afterwards. Even politicians are beginning to append, timorously to be sure, the name "Islam" to "terrorism".
But very few are yet able to face the stark truth with conviction: whether we like it or not and whether Islam likes it or not, it is Islam we are at war with. Not "fundamentalist Islam" or "radical Islam" or "Islamic terrorism". We are at war with Islam as surely as we were at war with Germany and Japan, and not "Nazis" and "Japanese imperialists".
It is time to realize that a "moderate" Muslim is either a Muslim who has been falsely taught, or a Muslim who doesn't want to go to jail for being a good Muslim.
Posted by: ScottSA | August 15, 2006 at 11:20 AM