Unlike mother kangaroos, prone to tossing their joeys when things get tough, mother cats keep their little ones close, nursing them and moving them as necessary to nourish and protect their kittens from predators. Tiny (above with a weather eye on Tuck's lunch) and her brother Baby had the best mother ever, a feral cat named Sweet Pea who feared our touch but trusted us enough to give birth to her kittens in our attic closet and permit us ever after to look after the Chelsea Grays.
"Lemming suicide is myth, but did you know that a pregnant oryx antelope in southern africa will reabsorb her fetus in times of extreme drought and corresponding resource depletion and biological stress when survival of mother and child is in doubt?" writes blogfriend Greenman Tim in the comments to our previous post. We'd love to hear the takes of both pro-life and pro-choice fellow Americans on that one, but what with our being a Darwinian libertarian, the oryx antelope's strategy works for us, big time. Here's what we commented back to Greenman Tim:
Mother Nature moves in myriad survival-of-the-fittest ways. Another interesting survival strategy comes from our friend down under, the mother kangaroo, who is said to toss her joey [reminds me of the Rats in Connecticut, who tossed Hadassah Lieberman's Joey yesterday] from the pouch, allowing it "to die to conserve her own body reserves during famine while keeping the embryo she is carrying in the uterus dormant until the food supply is replenished."
It all ties in to yesterday's post about the Left's need for victims to champion, and today, especially, in the wake -- and we do mean wake -- of Joey Lieberman's drive-by shooting by the powers that pee. From our WesPac "friend" via email from outer space:
You see, despite what Joe Lieberman believes, invading Iraq and diverting our attention away from Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden is not being strong on national security. Blind allegiance to George W. Bush and his failed "stay the course" strategy is not being strong on national security. And no, Senator Lieberman, no matter how you demonize your opponents, there is no "antisecurity wing" of the Democratic Party.
How lame to equate the war on terror with Al Queda and Osama apart from the big picture . . . 'Guess Wes hasn't noticed the latest developments in southern Lebanon. More along those lines from Eli Pariser of billionaire anti-American George Soros's "grassroots" MoveOn.org:
It's a big day. Last night, people-powered politics proved the pundits wrong. [How sweet it is, huh?] Riding a wave of voter revolt against Iraq and the Bush administration, Ned Lamont beat Joe Lieberman.
It's been a long six years. But things are beginning to change. Our nation is waking up from the long nightmare of the Bush presidency.
So today, take a moment to celebrate. And then, let's roll up our sleeves and do nationally what we did together last night in Connecticut.
Oh, my. Aren't we full of ourselves? What do you think about the motives and presumably unanticipated consequences of the Connecticut Rats' tossing of Haddassah's Joey out of the pouch yesterday? Did they do it to conserve their own body reserves during famine -- i.e., being out of power -- or, perhaps, was it more of a mythical lemming death-fling over the cliff?
Two things:
First, some in the 'reality based comunity,' believe today's events were Rove inspired, so as to take away attention from the 'Nedreline' CT primary win.
Second- I read this post, twice.
I will project a bit into the future and note that when Lieberman wins as an independent, inquiries into the immigration policies of Venezuala will go up.
Since Stephen Harper has been elected, Canada is no longer a preferred destination.
Posted by: sigmund, carl and alfred | August 10, 2006 at 02:08 PM
Sweet Pea done good! Those two cats are gorgeous!
Today's events were an absolute disaster for the moonbat community - and truly terrifying for those frightened Dems who had sworn to support Lamont in the general election. You see now they are stuck with the anti-war candidate and will be unable to strike the "I support the soldiers but don't support the war" false pose as in the past.
The reality is that Senator Joseph Lieberman will be reelected He only lost by 4% among Democrats and a LOT of Connecticut Republicans will be voting for him, leaving Loser Lamont with his 52% of Democrats - ONLY.
One can only hope that this entire primary battle has been an enormous eye opener for Senator Lieberman as to the quality and morality of his former Democratic colleagues. If that proves true, Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn) could be the Dems worst nightmare!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | August 10, 2006 at 03:49 PM
The war of civilizations is here, and the leftist Dems don't have a clue. Should they take control, we will be Muslim or we shall be dead.
Posted by: goomp | August 10, 2006 at 05:01 PM