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« "Nothing beats a day with Sissy and Tuck" | Main | Why Islamic fascists can't win »

August 03, 2006


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It's going to be impossible for the American troops to get the terrorists in Iraq because we've placed things like mosques on the "do not disturb" list. When you put such limitations on your troops when fighting a war, they can't do their job.

Now if the Iraqi security can go into these places and get these guys then they have a good chance of pulling the country together and averting a collapse. As usual - much depends on the elected government (theirs not ours). We've backed ourselves into a corner by trying to be the nice guys. In some areas it helps (such as dealing with local town leaders) - but in this way (meaning the "this is off limits" way) it really really hurts.

You will notice that the Israelis are not pussyfooting around. They are going after the Hezbollah wherever they hide. It's the only way to deal with them.

HRC's behavior toward Secretary Rumsfeld yesterday was unspeakably rude and displayed a level of hypocrisy that is almost stunning in its crass opportunism! Senator Clinton's husband is the one who eviscerated both the military AND our intelligence-gathering establishments, requiring GWB and company to rebuild almost from the ground up before dealing with 9/11! And she has the BRASS you-know-whats to chastise RUMMY?

I was impressed with his restraint. My first impulse when I watched that exchange was to get up, walk over the slap my television set!

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