It's was cooler outside than inside early morning for breakfast on the terrace . . .
But as temperatures rose into the nineties, Tiny approached #3 on the Catfort Scale: "Cat body and head are completely elongated and flattened into the profile of a fur rug: Weather is steamy."
For more profiles in furage, check out the elegant 121st Carnival of the Cats at Musings . . .
Tiny in heft and general dignity really resembles my Sam - whose most recent favorite sleeping pose is flat on his back, all 4 paws straight in the air!
I just adore cats! Mine and everyone else's!
Posted by: Gayle Miller | July 18, 2006 at 04:09 PM
That's one fine looking fur rug you got there, Sissy. We're expecting weather in the 90's this weekend, so I assume we'll have three extra rugs in our house. :-)
Posted by: Kimberly | July 20, 2006 at 04:36 PM
It doesn't get any flatter than that! LOL
Harley is black and begs to go outside not knowing that it's just as hot outside as it is inside (and no fans to sit in front of outside either!) After about a minute he decides to heck with this, I want back in!!
Posted by: tbirdonawire | July 21, 2006 at 01:57 PM
My cat puddles. This is aside from her lying down and sleeping. This is where she relaxes so much that she goes absolutely flat, her mass spreading everywhere as much as it can, contained in the fur. Everything is flat.
This past Sunday she was sleeping like a human, flat on her back, still puddling.
Posted by: andophiroxia | July 25, 2006 at 11:38 PM