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May 27, 2006


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LOL !!

I thought about reading it but decided I'd rather not.

I eagerly await Tuck's review ...will he be posting it here ?

Can't wait to see Tuck's review. I found it a so-so piece of work. What irked me was the POV change every page or so, it was annoying. Otherwise, I didn't think it stood out above other books I've read and I really couldn't see the reason why it was a Best Seller (I read it when a friend loaned me a copy a couple of years ago). He'll find the story really drags in the middle and gets tiresome. I don't remember what was happening because I had a hard time keeping my mind on it. *grin* The ending was okay. And I would never take it for anything other than a work of fiction.

One of my daughters read it and she said it was a pretty gripping piece of fiction but wasn't carried away with the religious part.

I thought it was a pretty good thriller. The end was bit of an anti-climax. But a pretty good summer read.

Sounds like Tuck's made it farther than I did; I read Angel's & Demons first, which was pretty good (although I found Brown's worshipful characterization of Langdon a bit grating), but couldn't get past the scene in DVC where they introduced the albino assassin (who seemed too much the physical incarnation of what every lefty wishes "bad guys" modern day really looked like, aka Rutger Hauer from Bladerunner...).

Please do post Tuck's take on DVC - I'll be interested to see it.

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