Like the other fearless members of the fair sex she mini-profiles in her latest podcast at Hot Air, Michelle Malkin (above right) is "just one of many prominent women telling the truth about Islam."
"[Ayaan Hirsi] Ali's heroism should be known to every schoolgirl in America. If you've
heard of her at all, you already know more than most MSM news producers, and
Ali is just one of many prominent women telling the truth about Islam," says Michelle Malkin in her latest must-see/must listen podcast at Hot Air:
This war affects all of us. History will someday write -- if we win this war -- that women were among the bravest and noblest warriors to stand up to the jihadi threat.
Michelle's "Women of the War" include three often blogged here -- Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Oriana Fallaci and Wafa Sultan, still fighting the good fight -- plus a fallen heroine, Atwar Bahjat, the Iraqi journalist brutally abducted and murdered last February. We look forward to reading the tea leaves following Hirsi Ali's "one-on-one, Q & A conversation" with moderator Barbara Kellerman this afternoon, part of the "Profiles in Leadership" series at Harvard's Kennedy Center, whose Center for Public Leadership treads lightly in their announcement:
Ms Hirsi Ali has been invited by the Harvard Dutch Cultural Society as a unique occasion to present a remarkable case and an opportunity for debate with this interesting person. Though we as the organizing committee do not necessarily agree with all of her views, nor consider Ms Hirsi Ali to be representative for the Dutch public opinion on these issues, we believe that Ms Hirsi Ali addresses issues of vital importance to Western Societies and the world that deserve an open discussion. In interactive sessions with different audiences Ms Hirsi Ali will express and debate her views on women and leadership, human rights and integration of minorities in western societies.
Note to another woman warrior, blogfriend Miss Kelly, first to alert us to Hirsi Ali's Cambridge visit: We want you to know we're all counting on you.
Update: Miss Kelly doesn't disappoint:
At this point, given the overt hostility of the questioner, Ayaan noted that debate and criticism of Islam is not the same as attacking Islam. "I'm not attacking Islam, I want to reform Islam." Here Ayaan asked "I really wonder what you (referring to all the grad students) are doing here." It was along the lines of "What are they teaching you anyway? Do you not know how to debate or discuss an issue?"
In closing she said "We need to find a balance between faith and reason." Phenomenal and remarkable woman, I feel blessed to have seen her in person.
Be sure to go on over and read the whole thing. Hirsi Ali's suggestion that her audience did not know how to debate or discuss an issue recalled something Thomas Sowell wrote recently:
Even if every conclusion with which students are indoctrinated were true, unless those students develop their own ability to weigh opposing arguments, these conclusions will become obsolete as new issues arise in the years ahead. These "educated" people will have developed no ability to analyze opposing sides of issues.
As we've written here early and often:
Leftists have become soft and flabby in their thinking over the last 20, 30 or more years because their fellow travelers in the mainstream media -- supposed to be keeping them honest -- have been giving them a free ride, even as thinkers of the right, not enjoying such reflexive support, have been honing our debating and intellectual survival skills.
The leftist utopian dream was doomed from the start because it denied the economic logic of nature and human nature. The long-repressed voices of opposition in a free society, now ringing loud and clear through talk radio, cable TV and -- of course -- the blogosphere, will force the left to rethink its arguments or go extinct.
The Democrats' latest "vision thing" -- “First, we impeach Bush. Everything else flows from that,” as ScrappleFace captures its essence -- does not bode well for their survival as the loyal opposition.
Hi Sisu, here's my notes on the afternoon event with Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
Posted by: misskelly | May 09, 2006 at 07:33 PM
Thanks, Miss Kelly. See Update to this post for our response to your excellent report.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | May 09, 2006 at 08:29 PM
This is a great post! You are right, every school girl should be taught this.
Posted by: beth | May 09, 2006 at 09:28 PM
The parents of these students pay a lot of money for them to attend Harvard and this is the kind of backward thinking they get for all of that expensive education ?
Indoctrination does not equal education and these students demonstrate that in spades.
Posted by: Tara | May 10, 2006 at 05:24 PM
Wafa Sultan is awesome - now I'll have to go check out these others some more.
Posted by: Greta (Hooah Wife) | May 11, 2006 at 11:00 PM