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May 18, 2006


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For those of both sexes who are domestically inclined, gardening is an interesting and satisfying pastime. Having sources of knowledge about the nature of what one is working with and of the possiblity of new additions makes it all the more satisfying. It is most helpful that you have shown how these books can add even more interest to the gardener's efforts.

I'll have to look up those books. The house we have now has LOTS of plants. The former owners were avid gardeners. I know only a limited amount (like what a dandelion looks like) so I'm probably not pulling some stuff that are weeds.

Plus we have some ornamental trees that I don't know the name of - but are beautiful. And several big green bushy things that seem to have parts dying off or at least have rust color patches on them.

Poor plants they probably don't know what hit them - their gardener parents are gone. *grin*

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