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« The Cat and the Hat | Main | Oh, sweet Mitt of life, at last I've found you? »

May 17, 2006


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It's wonderful to see the sun today!

And yes, I've seen it happen numerous times in the Midwest - the neighbors coming out to help in the case of tornado damage that kind of thing.

I heard that on NECN this morning too and was impressed. Thanks for bloggin' about it. That Matt Noyes looks such a sweetie!

...we're high and dry now, and for the first time in days, Tiny and Baby are outside happily catching up with their yard-patrol duties.

So good to hear...

So sorry for the difficulties...

Challenges can bring some positives out of the negatives...


Tocqueville got it right, free people acting to help others because we are free to do so. Too bad the elites don't understand. To them helping must be programmed by those who know best.

Lovely picture of your cat. I can almost smell her smelling the earth.

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