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« Mummy would have loved this | Main | "We ourselves may be beauties in unwanted places" »

May 14, 2006


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Water, water everywhere or so one would think. Lots of erosion on the sides of roads and in driveways and lawns about town.

Having been through numerous basement floods at our old place in the Chicago area - I certainly do believe that you can flood a great deal in 2 hours. Depending on the way the water enters, it only takes 30 minutes tops for a mere 4-5 inches of water to accumulate. (I've watched it happen while dragging stuff up the basement stairs so it wouldn't be ruined).

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all of that. What a complete mess. If there's anything I can do - let me know.

Oh yeah, once the rain has stopped and you've gotten the water out. You may want to consider having a service like Service Master come out and treat the floor and walls - wash them down properly in other words - so you don't get any nasty mold growing down there. But it has to be done very soon after getting the water out. Our problem being that it's still raining... ARG!

sorry for your difficulty...

hold on...

Mother Nature...

beautiful photos on the other hand...

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