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« Like a woman scorned | Main | Out of harm's way »

May 11, 2006


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As always we have to watch to try to prevent corruption of excellent theories of the human condition and human nature from being exploited and corrupted by the fickle nature of human nature itself.

An amazing family of thinkers.

So far this morning: A blog essay, elsewhere, on Hobbes and now this on J.J. Rousseau. Tiny stretching and Baby Cakes demo'ing butt typing, a feline skill. Mug of French Roast, homemade Irish Soda Bread.

Can you say "Perfect"? I knew you could.

Everett: Your lovely comments brought to mind this sentimental song of old:

The things I long for are simple and few . . .
A cup of coffee, a sandwich and you.


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