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May 24, 2006


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such good questions about changing Safari...

i am always amused at how political the pre-installed news sources as bookmarks are when turning on a new Apple.

i enjoy all thought, conceptions, expression, but wish those who profess to be 'open' or liberal, could at least try to fake it.

anyway, so happy the waters have receded, and you are returned to normal happy days.

i wish to tell you, if you haven't viewed it already, the wonderful KITTY of KITTY LITTER has a announced the loss of a fine PET CAT...

i am certain you would understand her loss...

my best wishes.

Great results from a hanging shrimp. It is to be expected that the pols who would legislate for a hanging chad are terrified by freedom on the internet and would like to eliminate uncontrolled speech.

I've kinda stayed away from the Net Neutrality argument. I haven't had time to really read up on it. I checked out some of the links you've got and read the exchange between Newmark and McCurry. I didn't see the bill itself or how it's worded and this worries me. Most people forget the law of unintended consequences when getting legislation passed. I've seen the statements about what the bill is "supposed to do" and I still don't know what it actually does.

What I can say right now is that Mr. Newmark is correct. We should be moving to IPv6 because we are running out of IPv4 addresses. That should help not only with address space, but also with network security too. The problem is (and here Mr. Newmark fails to inform) it is expensive to change over. Old routers can't be used, they aren't built to handle IPv6 and so, even though they work, they would have to be taken out of service and new ones bought and properly installed ($$$). There are TONS of legacy systems out there - they won't work with IPv6 this is no small matter!

What neither he or Mr. McCurry have mentioned is that large network concerns like Yahoo and Google already pay higher prices than smaller companies because the telecoms charge by the bandwidth you use. Any blogger knows what happens when you exceed bandwidth!

I'm not sure what they mean by charging more to deliver certain content faster. The only way I know of at the moment (and maybe my information is out of date) to do that is to give certain packets priority going through the switches - all the switches along the route to the end point - how much priority would determine how slow other things load.

Therefore, I have issues with both sides and I have difficulty picking one or the other. It's not just a matter of giving the "worker bees" at the telecom the ability to do extraordinary work, it's a matter of a huge capitol improvement cost - explain that to the stockholders if you're the CEO. It's also not just a matter of some content arriving more quickly, this will, by necessity, slow other things.

It's very much more complicated than it first appears. One thing to keep in mind, most of the geekiest people are socialists at heart. They think all programs should be freely available to all on the net and net access should be freely available to all.

That's why I'm having trouble with this bill, what does it really mean and what other things could be implemented because of it? Conversely, what happens if things are left as they are and nothing is changed? I just don't have enough information to figure it out.

Thus I am indecisive.

As for the google tool bar - I have seen people post directions for its removal from Firefox - you may try searching for "removing google tool bar from safari" and see what you come up with. Personally, I'd just leave it and not use it. You never know what you'll break when trying to get rid of something that was built in like that.

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