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March 28, 2006


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Good. See the medicinal magic felines bring into our lives? I wouldn't doubt it if Babe didn't strike the blow just to get you to take care of yourself.

It didn't take long for Sabby's bite to get infected and took a while to heal. Antibiotics were definitely called for and I suspected they would be for you too.

Just be careful with Babe. Only two weeks later Sabby wandered outside and went missing for twenty four hours only to crawl up on the porch the next morning terribly injured. He nearly died.

Glad you saw the doctor and even more pleased that you are dealing with the b.p. issue Sissy. I've finally - after years of trying - gotten mine down to something reasonable and believe it or not, I actually do feel better. No point in leaving the exquisite Baby and the adorable Tiny motherless, now it there?

I'm so glad you went to the doctor! Much much better to get cat scratches and bites treated quickly rather than risking a bad infection by waiting too long. A mostly clean bill of health on all the rest - excellent! I'm sure you'll be able to work on the BP now that it's been brought to your attention. *grin*

Glad you got checked out Sissy - cat bites are serious business.

As for Mr Cakes. Can't speak for that spirited individual but the cats in my life tend to digest new ideas over the course of several years, something I've had to take into account when learning how (and when) to discipline them, making it largely an exercise in faith.

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