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« An unholy comparison | Main | The great pain of being »

March 01, 2006


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Well, you know actually finding out details... digging for facts... trying to give out information to the public...

That would be like... work. The MSM has gotten so out of shape, they don't even know how to present little things like facts anymore. Pretty sad really.

Now we're left to wonder about the poor kitties of Germany and what might really be happening - if anything.

Being a total cat geek, my first reaction was sympathy for the poor kitty.

But then I thought - this is one of the few times when birds and mice manage to get back at the large furry ones who love to torment and eat them...

Guess I'm kinda conflicted there.

Ach scheisse!!!
This sucks, and I feel bad for the owner of the kittie. Jeeez, as if having a downed pet isn't excruciating enough, can you imagine being the steward of the first Avianflu + mammal in the free world??

I *pray* that this is the case of the MSM being hypersensitive (as usual) and making way too much out of this whole thing.

Listen, I'm not saying that this isn't a big deal, I'm merely reminded that somewhere in Berlin there is a really really really sad cat owner.

I'd be crushed if it were me.

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