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« "These are our problems now" | Main | Here's the beef »

March 08, 2006


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"Speaking of stupid and dangerous, what is the matter with the intellectual elite of this country?"

They don't believe in evil.

The intellectual elite in this country believe in evil only when they can hold out America as guilty of it.

And if they can't hang evil on America, they'll condemn this country as being imperilialistic,oppressive and racist and uncaring toward to poor people.

We all know the drill.

The intellectual elite of the West are "AH". All hubris.

Thank you, as always, for the link, but that was my delightful co-blogger Cardinalpark!

"Speaking of stupid and dangerous, what is the matter with the intellectual elite of this country?"

They are too busy in their ivory towers sticking their long hair out of the tower, waiting for the prince.

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