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March 17, 2006


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Sissy, these photos are breath-takingly beautiful. What treasures Tiny and Baby are.
The light is amazing.

How I love your pictures of Baby & Tiny..but these are extra special.

They are so beautiful.

Don't you love feline photos that just slightly show their fangs? Sort of "I look cuddlesome, but I can be fearsome?" There's a tiger behind that tabby.

We have heard of horse and dog whisperers but I think you are the prime cat whisperer.

I am hopelessly and irrevocably in love with both Baby and Tiny - there are only 3 living cats I love more - of course my own two beautifual boys (Sam the dignified and adoring Maine Coon and Tim the utterly hilarious Siamese even at 18 months of age, a kitten to his paw tips) and my sister's beloved Gigi,a 15 year old "mixed breed" who is allergic to her own fur and thus sports a neck to hip "mohawk"!

I love dogs, some more than others (my best friend's Dalmatian Joseph is a particularly cherished animal), but CATS, oh my. They are intelligent, graceful, beautiful, loving and oh so sensitive to their humans' moods and needs.

Baby and Tiny consistently, as Sissy knows, grace my computer background at work because just seeing their lovely faces relieves massive attorney-related stress (I'm a paralegal).

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