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« Overcoming fatwah fear | Main | Some religions are more equal than others »

February 02, 2006


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It is my thought that life became so easy in much of the USA that many lost sight of the harsh side of human nature. It is fine and noble to accent the kind side of ourselves and of our society, but never loose sight of the dark side which is present in all of us at times and most of the time in many. Shining a light on the darkness doesn't make it bright, it just shows us where we must defend ourselves.

This is not a case of "another liberal being mugged by reality" rather an example of some (me, a liberal) leaning sooooo far left that i come back around on the other side a little bit righty-ish. does that make any sense?
but seriously, this is something that we can all find some common ground with, right? doesn't this seem like an attack on *all* our values?

Solidarity from the center/left: Michael Reynolds at The Mighty Middle has a wonderful post about this today, echoed by Alan Stewart Carl at Maverick Views.



I'm pleased as punch to see Goomp and Richard -- the lion and the lamb? -- commenting on the same post, and I agree with both of you. Thanks for the great links, Richard. Jay: Common ground, yes! United we stand.

Love seeing this debate in this forum. One thing: it's Blinq, not Bliq, as in blog of the Inquirer - I know, not that clever, but it's quick.

In the Blinquing of an eye? Correction made. Thanks for pointing it out, Daniel.


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