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« Some religions are more equal than others | Main | Support and awe »

February 04, 2006


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As you point out in your most enlightening article "First They came for CNN," the tenets of Islam are a religion of tolerance that in many quarters is currently under the control of people like those who ruled Christianity at the time of the Spanish Inquisition. It is time for the West to come awake to the Islamic forces which plan our demise while offering highest praise and assistance to those like Irshad Manji of Muslim Refusenik.

My son's unit got their warning order today and will be going to Iraq in September. Now this is hitting me personally. I am very proud of him and his service but his wife broke into tears when we learned the news. They have one son who is two years old. (I posted a photo on my blog) So I have mixed feelings about this. I am proud for my son to serve and I support the war even more than ever. The madness of these people is hitting me personally today.

Laura Lee: I can't imagine the depth of your worry . . . I can offer only support and awe:


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