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January 24, 2006


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It's so good to see Tiny feeling like herself again.

I look foward to Tiny and Baby's adventures and that the pictures of the 2 are fabulous goes without saying.

What beautiful babies. If I can ever figure out my digital camera, I'll post pics of my 2 pampered darlings on my blog! Sam and Tim are the yin and yang of catdom. Sam weighs 25 pounds and is a one-woman cat. Tim weighs 8 pounds, is 16 months old and believes he is the boss of Sam - primarily because Sam doesn't care enough to challenge him. They provide beauty and raucous entertainment, and I suspect your two beauties do the same for you.

Mine, however, are strictly indoor cats. Nothing else is safe where I live.

How deceptively peaceful the two cats appear. We are simply waiting for the next shoe to drop. Then they will be at it again, no doubt.

Happy your Baby has her sparring partner back.

I wonder if this will get to you. I happened upon your site a few weeks ago and read your article on Norman Baer's drawing class (Drawing in the round) You're a great writer Sissy, I never realized that back in the old AIB days. Funny, your husband Tuck was the person who interviewed me for acceptance to the AIB. Seems time is racing on at light speed with some crazy times ahead. I am still working as an artist (in Leominster MA) have been traveling extensively for the last couple of years. I came back in 2000 to care for my father who was a physicist and electrical engineer at Hansom AFB. He passed away in 2000. I traveled to California and lived there for awhile painting and etching, then came back to care for my mom who had a massive stroke in June 2005. I now live and work in their house which is slowly turning into a factory. I wonder if you remember me,? I currently have a passion for the guitar and have been studying with a great teacher (a former Berkley student) so the universal language of music is another infinite adventure I pursue. At any rate I wanted to try and say hello and let you know I've enjoyed reading your blog. I'm currently building a web-site http://waynegowellworld.com/ which I'm hoping to sell etchings, drawings, paintings and automata from. Still working as an artist in the commercial field (more a designer than illustrator) but am slowing moving in other directions. I hope this finds both you and Tuck and all your furry friends well..best wishes Wayne Gowell

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