Like bloggers -- but unlike a lot of MSM types -- Tiny admits she has a point of view. In this case, from atop the shower stall edifice, once again trying to avoid taking the hated medicine by making herself inaccessible.
"I spent long enough in Army Public Affairs to know when I’m being fed baloney," writes Donald Sensing of One Hand Clapping, back from a brief blogging hiatus with an Onward-Christian-Soldiers gleam in his blogging eye. "Late this week I received this email":
Hi, Donald. I’m writing from a PR firm on behalf of the U.S. Army. We’re contacting a few bloggers to test a new outlet for public information. The Army believes that military blogs are a valuable medium for reaching out to soldiers. To that end, the Army plans to offer you and selected bloggers exclusive editorial content on a few issues you’re likely to be interested in.
"My response was, 'Count me in,'" continues Reverend Sensing:
This is long overdue. And I predict the Post and others of the dinosaur media will scream bloody murder. I don’t care. They’ll say we are biased, as if they are not. As Glenn wrote, “I’m glad that the folks at the Times and the Post are “true believers” in objective reporting. Now if they’d just become true practitioners thereof.”
But I am biased, I freely admit (another difference between bloggers and the MSM is we admit we have a point of view. They do, too, but pretend they don’t).
With apologies to the Victorian generalist Sabine Baring-Gould, author of the words to the rousing "Onward Christian Soldiers":
Onward, clear-eyed soldiers, blogging as to war,
Truth where e'er you find it going on before.
We look forward to "the sign of triumph [as] Satan's host doth flee."
There we have it. Everyone has a point of view and is entitled to express it if it is not slandrous. One's point of view may even shine through try as one may to be even handed about reporting news. It is the sanctimonious rightiousnes of the MSM as it declares it is unbiased that is the big lie.
Posted by: goomp | January 08, 2006 at 09:03 AM