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« Wicked worried about Tiny | Main | "Blogger blogs own wedding" »

December 30, 2005


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Morris is about 10 years old and he is still young at heart. He is a playful cat.

Our kitty, Grace, is more than 18 years old. You would never guess! (read Grace's story here: http://www.corsinet.com/garden/animals_grace.html )

Brendan is 16 and in great shape. I'll write some about the diet around here today. Let us know what the vet says about Tiny, please.

I'm so happy to hear Tiny is feeling a bit more like herself. Definitely keep us updated. You can't get any better care than at Angell. (I also don't consider nine to be an old age for a cat - middle aged, maybe).

I agree. Protected cats live at least twelve years and likely more. Our Spooky died the youngest (at seventeen!) and would probably lived longer if she would just have let us take her to the vet. No way, no how, no Mama. And we couldn't put her through it. The more amenable critters were all well over eighteen.
New year's blessing to you all. And a special prayer to St. Francis for Tiny's full recovery.

This is encouraging news about Tiny. Please keep us updated about her.

And Tiny's just hitting her stride..9 1/2 years is peak time. She's not getting older, she's just hitting the zone.

Sending you good thoughts and vibes from NYC. Mister Gato is still just a lad, but our two Chow Chows are getting rather elderly, so we know all about the panicked trips to the vet and the accompanying worries. It sounds like Tiny is going to be just fine!

Most kitties I have known over the years have lived to be 18-22 years old. This puts Tiny about half way there... not old at all in that case! I'm so glad the antibiotics seem to be doing the trick!

I'm glad I read the update first - Tiny is a sweetie.

And 9.5 yrs old is nothing - I was gifted with my beloved Ziggy when he was approx age 11, and while just passed away this Fall I still had the pleasure of his company for an unforgettable 5 years - and he was a kitten at heart right up to the end, romping about like a delightful nutcase until the last 3-4 months.

So God willing you'll have Tiny for many more years - the thing is to make every day count (and I haven't seen anyone who seems to practice that philosophy better than yourself).

I have a cat that licks all the time. He pulls out his fur,to the point of being bloody, so he look very patchy. Is there anything I can do to help him?
We tried different types of food and the vet doesn't seem to know. I've had him for about three years and he came to me as a stray. He had a full coat at that time and no problems. He is declawed (front only)and neutered. If anyone out there can give me a possible solution I would be very happy to try it.

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