Night eyes and Christmas lights in the countdown to breakfast this morning as our flash catches Babe as Cat in the Hat with the top of the tree seeming to sit upon his head. "Here once the embattled furmen stood" came to mind. A fascinating modal disconnect occurred to us yesterday as we were trying to decide on the perfect stringing of a bit of mylar garland between branches. Before the real world caught us up short, we found ourselves considering the possibility of simply clicking on "undo" and going back to the original configuration if we didn't like the new configuration. The ability to try out new ideas and then go back to your original design without effort frees up creativity in a way never known before the computer gave flight to our fancy.
Some things never change, 9/11 notwithstanding. You have your plumbers who've been to Hell and back, and then you have John Whatshisname on CNN -- subbing for vacationing Anderson Cooper and full of himself with self-regard -- announcing solemnly that when the history books are written about the war in Iraq, there will be a sad tale to tell, that of American women in uniform. Can you say condescension? We didn't have the stomach to stay around for the CNN report -- thank God for remotes! -- but presumably we were meant to feel sorry for our woman warriors and their families because, if you follow the logic, woman's place is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
Apropos of nothing but popular request, here's the tree, with flash (left) and without.
We would be more inclined to say that when the history books are written about the liberal media's coverage of the war in Iraq, there will be a sad tale to tell, that of American "anchormen" who don't know nothin' 'bout military honor. Those whose honor is won or lost on the MSM battlefield have lost touch with the real-world battlefield where honor is about something larger than oneself.
The MSM is desperate to prove it is of prime significance and has lost its sense of balance. It must prove its mistaken understanding of the Islamic war against the West is the truth. They don't understand that the Liberal vision of society is what the Islamists consider degenerate and are out to destroy.
Posted by: goomp | December 23, 2005 at 07:28 AM
They certainly seem to deny that there's a cultural war of the west and Islam.
Posted by: andophiroxia | December 23, 2005 at 12:07 PM
Regarding the cat thing, I'm getting some help for you & Lawrence
Posted by: beautifulatrocities | December 23, 2005 at 12:13 PM