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December 08, 2005


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Sissy, you really are very talented!

Hey, like I said, Beloved Hubby just did the upgrade to PhotoShop CS2... And I've never learned to properly use PS6!

Do you have any suggestions for good tutoring books or online classes? I found one online course over here (http://apex.vtc.com/photoshop-cs.php), and it looks good, but to access the real "meat" costs $30/month.

I suppose, if I'm dedicated, I could shell out $30-90 and *do* the classes, but I'm wondering if it'd be worth it...

[puzzling and puzzling 'til my puzzler is sore...]

-- R'cat
CatHouse Chat

Well, I never took any formal Photoshop course other than what I picked up from fellow students who happened to know a little more than I did about it in grad school. Adobe seems to have a free course in the basics: http://www.adobe.com/education/training/photoshop_elements/main.html Oh, and thanks for the kind words. :)

Thanks for the linky love, Sissy. I sometimes think I should drink more so I sound sane...but why start now? Hee Hee Hee!

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