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December 19, 2005


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Thanks for the nice post--no getting older is not for the faint of heart--that's for sure. Love your kitty.

Hi Sissy,

Birthday card enroute - sorry its late! It got buried while I wrote papers for finals.

In your post you reference a check from Pajamas Media and then add - "It's the root of all evil..." the actual passage from the Bible indicates it is the "love" of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself. I think this is an important distinction because nothing is truly free - there is a price for everything. Honest people engaged in fair trade should either pay or receive payment for their work. Whether it comes in the form of US dollars or a drink on the patio is up to those who involved in the deal.

Ah, the sweetest-sounding words in the English language...

"Pay to the order of..."

Glad to hear that some actual checks are getting cut, and I hope it'll pay for a nice bottle of New Year's Eve bubbly!

Hi Sissy,

I just turned 50 and, quite honestly, it sucks. But I try to remember that my mother would have been overjoyed to turn 50--she died at 48 of liver cancer. But I am graciously blessed in many ways, so I am trying to get a better perspective on aging.

And....as pointed out above, it is the LOVE of money, not money itself, etc etc etc, you know the passage.

Merry Christmas to you. Enjoy the check, just don't fall in love with it!

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