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December 26, 2005


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And a hearty thank you for managing a beautifully prepared and managed Merry Christmas.

Glad you are having such a relaxing Holiday! Happy New Years!

Not that I'm a defender of Windows, but you can set the default view for any folder to be thumbnails.... don't ask me where.

Thanks, Goomp and Helen for your kind thoughts. ZD: Goomp has Windows 98 -- not XP -- and I don't think it has the thumbnail feature . . . Even so, the "look" of the Mac's iPhoto "contact sheets" is a revelation.

Happy New Year! Your holiday dinner looks lovely. We had planned on going to my husband's sisters house for her always elegant Christmas dinner but my husband felt too ill with his bad cold and our youngest daughter also was coming down with a stomach flu so we just snacked all day until at the end of it everyone wanted Christmas turkey. The hardy ones in the family went out and found a Chinese restaurant open. It was fun! And everyone seems better now.

The thumbnails are neat, can adjust the size, and you can zoom in on each photo but nothing beats Photoshop for editing.

And nothing beats your photos. I just adore them. You have an eye for composition that makes the seemingly mundane mouthwatering.

Sides which, you make me homesick seeing as I grew up in Massachusetts.

Thanks for all the good words, Mog. I have set up my iPhoto -- in Preferences -- so when I click on a thumbnail, it opens in Photoshop. Talk about instant gratification. :)

I'm so glad you had a lovely Christmas - sounds absolutely wonderful! Maybe Goomp needs the gift of a new computer ;-)

As usual - terrific pictures too... what more could one ask for!

The only thing more one could ask for would be you, my darling Teresa. :)

My dear - you are wonderful. *grin*

Thanks for sharing

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