Alan Arkin as Captain Yossarian in the film version of Joseph Heller's Catch-22 realizes that "his care for Snowden was useless and there was nothing he could have done to save him. Snowden grows weak and cold in the chill of high altitude flight and dies muttering 'I'm so cold.'" The death throes of our own MSM come to mind.
"I’d say the undeclared war on President Bush being conducted by elements in the CIA, the MSM, the Democrats and the Washington establishment is the big story of 2005," writes Pat of Judicious Asininity in the comments at Austin Bay's Au-some challenge to his readers to nominate "The Big Story of 2005" [via Dymphna at Gates of Vienna]. We agree totally but would go one step further. Attempting to add our own two cents' worth to the debate, we started to feel paranoid [You always do. --ed] when our comments didn't appear on Austin Bay's site until we noticed his admonition to "Remember, thanks to the moderation routine, comments usually take anywhere from two to four hours to appear." Two to four hours? Gak. To calm ourselves down while waiting for our own words of wisdom to appear, we decided to blog about it. Our nomination for TBS of 2005:
Having sustained a fatal wound beneath its flack jacket, the MSM still doesn't get Snowden's secret.
Snowden was, of course, the gunner who dies in hero Yossarian's plane in Joseph Heller's Catch-22. As Yossarian was treating him for minor leg wounds, Snowden was dying of fatal chest wounds concealed beneath his flack jacket. This commentary from a googled Catch-22 study guide resonates:
Yossarian keeps speaking about Snowden's "secret" -- man is garbage without his spirit.
"Journalists are garbage without their spirit" suggests itself. As our sis just imailed about the current state of the MSM:
Their guts are spilling out in back, while they apply bandaids to their miserable credibility in front.
Dan Rather's bubble-bursting "fake but accurate" dealt the fatal blow. Our sis also reports this heartening story from the normally left-of-center Newburyport News:
There was a front page story in our local rag, about a soldier who has just returned from Iraq. He said, in effect, that it is totally unbelievable what the mainstream reports about the war. He said things are really going so well over there, and that 90% of the Iraqis love the Americans. The other 10% are the insurgents and "mostly come from other countries."
Lots of good words -- true and accurate -- coming from the blogosphere and spilling out into the larger sphere of public discourse wherever it may be dispersed these days. There is room for hope.
Thanks for the uplift. It gets pretty discouraging hearing the asinine Dem pols worshipped by the ignorant MSM.
Posted by: goomp | December 27, 2005 at 06:13 PM