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December 31, 2005


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Yay for Tiny and happy fresh new 2006 to her people! :)

Great news to start the New Year..Tiny is okay and I am so happy about that !

Yippee Skippee and Hooray for Tiny! This is great news. And, you've reminded me that I haven't sent my annual donation to the Tufts vet school yet. Will remedy that situation ASAP.

Happy New Year - In more ways than one for all of you - but especially Tiny!!! That's terrific news. Earlier around here, someone had fireworks, but I have no idea who... just heard it. You have an up close front seat for all the festivities and tonight I think is the time to really appreciate them - pop open that champaign and have a wonderful evening! Many lovely kitty pets for Tiny.

As a mother who raised two children who were severely asthmatic when they were young when doctors seemed to know relatively little about pediatric asthma, I'm thrilled for you and Tiny. One of our cats tends to be asthmatic. I say "tends" because she's been very good now for years.

Happy New Year, Sissy!


Great news about Tiny! We brought our Bunny to Angel Memorial several years ago and consider them top notch.

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