"I too am a veteran, and I was deeply troubled to hear my colleague call yesterday for the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq," Rep. Joseph-Pitts (R PA) is saying in one of a series of riveting two-minute debating moments on the floor of the House this evening [Thank you, C-Span] as the Republicans finally get it together and force debate and a quick vote and swift rejection of -- as AP reflexively puts it -- "respected 30-year congressman" and "hawkish Democrat" Jack Murtha's call for an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq. The bloggers had a field day today pointing out that Murtha has been against the war from the first, but don't tell that to the MSM, who are determined to convince the populace that this is something new. Rep. Joseph-Pitts continues:
It reminded me of when I was fighting in Vietnam and we heard the politicians in Washington undermining our work for their own political purposes. This comes at the expense of our troops in the field.
Music to our ears. The Democrats' "debating" points are lame and disingenuous. Now Gresham Barrettt (R SC) steps up to the microphone:
Don't believe all the crap you see on TV. Don't believe all the crap you hear on the news.
Yes. The members of the Congressional Black Caucus via Mell Watt (D NC) reaffirm their desire for GW to submit a detailed plan for withdrawal of the troops from Iraq. Same old, same old. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R FL) says "Let us say very clearly that we stand with the troops, and we stand with the mission of the troops":
The message has gone out quite clearly to the world press that there is a serious diminution in support for the mission that the US has engaged in here in Congress.
As Mohammed of Iraq the Model wrote this morning, "these opposition parties and Arab policy makers are getting tired of armed confrontation with the Iraqi and US forces since this confrontation hasn’t done them any good":
However, there are still some elements that have different goals of course but they all think that they can reach these goals through pushing America to leave Iraq; I’m talking about elements like Asad, al-Qaeda and Murtha. In spite of the differences, neither is following logic and we do need to work on changing their minds (each in a different suitable way).
Back to the House floor debate, where Joseph Crowley (D NY) is reiterating the shopworn Democratic Bush Lied, People Died™ talking point (yawn):
Now when one of the most democratic Americans questions the president's policies, he is called unpatriotic.
Huh? The only ones we know of who ever bring up patriotism -- the last refuge of scoundrels last time we checked -- are the Democrats themselves.
"We do have an exit strategy. It's when the Iraqi people can stand up and defend themselves," notes one of the Republican gals. Pretty cool, watching democratic debate in action. Now Rahm Emanuel (D IL, Clinton War Room):
It's a debate in how we succeed in exit, not in how we got in . . . in victory. We deserve criticism for not asking questions.
This guy is smooth. Last time we looked, it was all about how GW had misled the nation into war. Now it's segued seamlessly into looking for the so-called "exit strategy" and squirming out from responsibility by falling back on "we should have asked questions." Still, it's a good thing to see this give and take of our elected representatives. Pretty darned thrilling. Let freedom ring.
Update: Couldn't let this one go unrecorded. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has the final word for her side of the aisle:
Mr. Murtha has struck the mighty blow of truth to Bush's failed Iraq policy. His decision to speak truth to power is a great act of patriotism.
Okay, hon. So what's it going to be? Cut and run? Put your vote where your mouth is.
Now when one of the most democratic Americans questions the president's policies, he is called unpatriotic.
Another dem with a guilty conscience defending his fellow from a charge that was never made... but this time the charge should have been made; after all the righteous chest beating of the dems about the patriotism of a quick withdrawal, they are unpatriotic for following that performance by voting to stay in Iraq when forced to back up their wailing and moaning with a vote.
Or to put it more simply; being patriotic includes picking a principle (one that can at least arguably be said to be pro-American), and sticking to it.
I can respect if not agree with the 3 who voted for an immediate pullout; that took nerve, among other things. But the rest of the dems who voted against their own motion that day cast off any remaining shreds of credibility.
Let's not forget a similar political stunt - Rangel's motion for reinstating the draft; another case of the dems hiding in the closet under a sheet with eyeholes and moaning, after loudly warning against the ghost in the closet.
Posted by: Scott | November 22, 2005 at 10:32 AM