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« Loose purses sink ships | Main | Mugged by la realité »

November 08, 2005


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I hope Purrky deesn't go Hollywood on me with all the praise and publicity. He has just had supper after a visit to the local vet to check out his sneezes contracted at the shelter. Appetite good. A good sign. Nap time now.

Mr. Perkins is very handsome... and looks as though he knows it. ;)

Some dead French guy (Montesquieu, I think...I know,I've a Killer Fixation on Dead French Guys) said that all he really needed to know about Human Nature he could learn from his cats' interactions. I hope that the new cat in the house finds common words with Pater Familias. I also hope that Former Cat in His Life finds her way home...but, well, that's more up to the Fates than anything else. Best wishes.

How wonderful. Lucky Mr. Perkins and lucky Goomp to find such a handsome new friend.

I've always had a soft spot in my heard for Siamese.

Beautiful cat. I have always loved Siamese cats. I guess that love comes from the memories I have of my family's first pet, a Siamese called Pyewhacket. I was about five years old when we got her, and I have a lot of fond memories of that cat.

In 1967 we got another Siamese, and her name was Tinkerbell. She ruled the house, and was probably the most regal cat I have known.

Then of course is Thalia, my Blue Point Siamese. We all know what kind of cat she is.

pretty cat. i like that "cello" shot.

Absolutely beautiful cat and photos of cat, reminds me of Samantha, cat we once had. Same coloration too, brings back memories.

A very pretty cat. Hugs from me & my cat Cellaneous!

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