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« A moment of happiness | Main | Who first said "that said"? »

November 02, 2005


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ROFL!!! I was in SUCH a bad mood that day and it seemed everything was conspiring to make life more interesting. But that one just threw me for a loop. I never expected a bank NOT to have a coin counter - I thought it was part of the deal with being a bank! However, I did find another one with a counter - so all is well.

I guess being a New Englander takes lots of work. But your dinner sounds like it was YUMMY!

And yippee!!! My trackbacks are finally working! I'm so happy. I had to rebuild the entire site to get them back - but I love seeing your trackback there. *grin* Thanks for the linky luv.

Related as I am to many New Englanders (maternal grand pere was from Portland, and I don't mean the Left Coast Portland), I appreciate the point. Being a numismatist, I routinely scrutinize my own change (and have on occasion even blogged my change). But many a good supermarket will have a coin counter. Once you start using them you never go back, whatever the damage to your character.

It's amazing what one will find if they don't always have their heads in the clouds. On one walk home from work, I actually found a diamond ring. (Not from Tiffany, of course, but still very nice.)

I may have done most of my growing up in Chicago, but I am Bean Town born, and have many, many rellies on the East Coast. I'm drooling over that dinner. Poop! You just can't get that kind of great grub here.

Roll on, sister. Roll on.

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