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« Who first said "that said"? | Main | "A small contribution can have an enormous impact" »

November 03, 2005


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Thank you Sissy! What a wonderful post. Here's hoping it reaches the right people and brings in the dollars. This is where a small contribution can have an enormous impact.

Of course I'm hoping all your readers go for Army. *grin* But whether they do that or go with the Air Force, Navy, Marines... or even just a donation directly to Valor-IT that doesn't count with any of us... every penny is welcome.

Thank you so much for helping get out the word about Valour-IT! It's a great program and we are going to be able to help so many people, thanks to bloggers like you.


CAPTAIN Ziegenfuss is alive and recovering from his wounds. SGT FIRST CLASS Ziegenfuss is his deceased father, in whose memory the project is named (read the opening page of the Valour-IT website carefully: www.soldiersangels.org/valour.

Correction made. Thanks for pointing that out, FbL. :)

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