"Classic pajama in silky satin charmeuse with a subtle luster. An everyday luxury, for sleeping or blogging, from Victoria's Secret," we captioned this photograph in our post "To sleep, perchance to dream" last year re what John Fund called "a watershed media moment," when CBS executive v.p. Jonathan Klein unwittingly put a twinkle in the eyes of Pajamas Media progenitors Charles Johnson and Roger L. Simon by dismissing bloggers as "a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas."
"In the end, when we realized we could get our beloved name back, we were overjoyed. So a warm, hearty thanks to all of you who expressed your displeasure with our phony identity," write Charles Johnson and Roger L. Simon, who woke up from their Open Source Media "branding"-company nightmare and realized it was just a bad dream. You are most welcome, gentlemen:
We are re-assuming our identity as Pajamas media. (Just give us a few days to sort the technical issues out.)
As both Roger and PJM Editorial Advisory Board Chair Glenn Reynolds happily acknowledge, they should have listened to their young daughters:
Roger: She loved Pajamas and made a sad face at OSM.
The Professor: As the Insta-Daughter said, "Pajamas sounds cheerful. Open Source Media sounds . . . educational."
As we always say, girls just wanna have fun.
Update: We love this observation from vnjagvet of YARB in Roger's comments:
Only geeks know what "open source" is. Everyone knows what pajamas are.
As Instapundit would say, indeed.
Technorati tags: open source media, osm, pajamas media
Oddly enough both your post and the post Charles put up both link to the login page for OSM... how weird is that! I ended up finally clicking on "home" and going to the home page to read the story. I'm glad the pajamas are back. *grin* although OSM didn't really offend me - I am a geeky type and certainly it equates more in my mind to software.
Posted by: Teresa | November 22, 2005 at 02:07 PM
Don' know how that happened. Now fixed. :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | November 22, 2005 at 02:36 PM
With the cold months upon us PJ Media will feel much warmer than OSM.
Posted by: goomp | November 22, 2005 at 04:52 PM