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November 27, 2005


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It is plain to see that you blog for the love of blogging and a chance to show your ideas, and your artistry and good readership adds to the satisfation.

Well, I can't say that I only blog when traffic is high... I'd never blog then. *grin* So, it must be because I like it. I think it would take a seismic shift in the blogosphere to get my traffic up to any count of readers that might be deemed "high"... so I don't worry about it and just throw my posts out there.

Oh yeah... and if I waited for comments my blog would be dead and buried in a week. The most comments I got recently was on a squirrel that took up residence in my basement... I actually got into the double digits!!! Imagine that. ROFL!!!

Haha! Teresa. I will have to check out your blog. Yes, I like blogging too for the sake of it. I like to read Sisu for the creativity that oozes from each post. And original thought. And I love to see the photos of the cats which are heartwarming.

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