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November 30, 2005


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Just so the liberal donkeys will read even if they can't understand, Anyone who wants proof can be nothing but an agnostic. Belief in atheism is just as much a matter of faith as belief in G-D. No proof exist in either belief. Six thousand years of recorded history indicate that the accumulated hopes and experiences of mankind are best expressed by the Judo- Christian philosophy. Hail Christmas!

Just curious... what's wrong with wishing a Happy Hanukkah too?

Happy everything.

You have a gifted eye for the perfect picture Sissy... it's beautiful.

Thanks for sharing! I've been doing Photoshopped Christmas cards for a few years now, they're always a hit. Here are mine on Flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/barelyfitz/sets/50883/

The approach I take to holiday greetings is, if I know my audience, I wish the appropriate thing - Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Good Yule (I have one set of these), I know no Kwanzaa-celebrators but if I came across someone wearing a Kwanzaa sweatshirt or something I'd go with Happy Kwanzaa. If I don't know my audience personally but they're wearing a seasonal or religious indicator like Santa Claus earrings or a Christ-fish pin or something, I go with that indicator. With complete strangers who give no clues, I stick with Have a great holiday, not because I am sensitive about Christmas but because it's polite, IMHO, not to make assumptions about people.

Beautiful Christmas card... Ours this year are a multi-step process involving cutting a half-Christmas-tree silhouette into the cover flap of forest-green card, embossing textural white "snow" randomly, and attaching three little UTEE-"glazed" round Christmas ornaments to three branch tips, each one one of my kids' faces. Whew! Cute but labor-intensive.

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