It's common knowledge that cats see things we don't, as Tiny demonstrates above. Perhaps not as well known is the fact that liberals see things we don't.
"To be a liberal you must simply believe things that are not true," explains Paul at Wizbang! in his indispensable "guide to understanding the liberal mindset":
Good vs Evil according to Liberals
Bush telling the truth about Saddam. Bad Bad Bad
Wilson telling a lie about the President. Good Good Good
Telling the truth about Joe Wilson whose lies helped Saddam. Bad Bad Bad
Marcusian inversions -- blogged here early and often -- are their mothers' milk.
Perjuring oneself to hide the outing a CIA operative...GOOD GOOD GOOD
Perjuring oneself to hide oral sex...BAD BAD BAD
Posted by: Big Worm | October 28, 2005 at 05:47 PM
I didn't think oral sex WAS sex . . . Also, check the report. No outing of any CIA operative was involved.
Posted by: Sissy Willis | October 28, 2005 at 07:44 PM