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« "Catblogging to the max" | Main | One lost picture is worth a thousand sighs »

October 05, 2005


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Everything looks back to normal now - at least on the front page. I wonder if typepad had a server crash or something. Very odd.

So last night there was no page (a 404 error) then there was old pages (starting in July) now there are current pages and all the images are back... They might have got it fixed - whatever IT was!

Unfortunately, there are still dozens of pictures missing. :(

They had a message on the typepad support page that there was a serious outage last night and they were restoring. Meantime they suggested that if you were getting a 404 and could republish your site, the problem would go away. Worked for me.

That's an idea Sissy - try doing a rebuild on the entire site - it will take a while, but if it works your images might be back!

I tried to get on your blog last night and couldn't. Glad you are back.

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