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October 13, 2005


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I have to doubt the lion and the lamb lie side by side in life, or tiger either. As one who once raised sheep I can also testify that when in the flock sheep exhibit unkindly acts such as butting another in the stomach to drive it away from food that is more plentiful than all can eat. Nature is nature be it human or tiger. I thought Tiny looked the most fearsome.

From "Songs of Experience" (1794):

O rose, thou art sick! The invisible worm. That flies in the night, In the howling storm, Has found out thy bed. Of crimson joy, And his dark secret love. Does thy life destroy.

I keep coming back to this one due to work or love situations or because of the current fruit tree blight that's caused me to not have enough crabs to make jelly this year.

Congrats on the profile! Can't wait to read it.

Juxaposition of pets and poetry, priceless.

You do that so well! If anyone asked me about my favorite poem... I'd be at a complete loss - I never studied any after maybe early high school and didn't enjoy it then (although that might have had something to do with my teachers as opposed to the poetry). But that was the perfect poem to show off the kitties! Can't wait to see the whole interview.

Great choice, great poem.

When I was asked the question, I could have chosen any one of a thousand poems--that's how many favorites I have (although for me, the sporting question was easy, easy!)

But how about this one, Burns's "To A Mouse, "another wonderful masterpiece involving an animal: http://quotations.about.com/cs/poemlyrics/a/To_A_Mouse.htm

A classic poem, framed by The Best Kitty Photographs in the Known Universe™.

Nature, red in tooth and claw,
Says, "Sissy Willis! Show us more
Of your snazzy photographs!
Classic Art (and good for laughs!)"

Hello! Paco, from Spain.
I love "The Tyger". My favorite poem is "Si el hombre pudiera decir lo que ama" (Luis Cernuda).

Your blog is very beautiful! I like! Oh, you have a special creative ah! I hope you find time to share with me! Ah tell me your experience

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