Who can resist before-and-after images? We'll never forget those hair-and-make-up makeovers in what used to be called (Are they still? We haven't read one for years.] women's magazines. In both before-and-after sets above (befores at bottom, afters at top), the afters reveal the artists' intent, one to demonize, the other to bewitch.
The uses and misuses of artistry to manipulate the masses:
Michelle Malkin calls out USA Today's Graphics and Photos Managing Editor, Richard Curtis, for graphically demonizing Condoleezza Rice (top left) by Photoshopping the whites of her eyes to a zombie-like glow (compare with original AP/Mikhail Metzel photo bottom left):
Ask USA Today's Graphics and Photos Managing Editor, Richard Curtis ([email protected]), what the ^$%#@+! is going on.
Meanwhile, less ominously, pin-up artist Gil Elvgren used the 50's version of Photoshop -- paints, brushes, airbrush and consummate skill -- to sex up his illustration of the artist's model (bottom right) who sat for his 1958 masterpiece "Riding High," featured by Right Girl of Girl on the Right in her Cotillion Ball post yesterday. Much thanks to our real-life, photo-unretouched buddy Peter Ferry for identifying the illustrator.
Speaking of The Cotillion, Belle of the Ball Beth of My Vast Right Conspiracy has handed us the envelope, and the winner of King of Cotillion is . . .
Click on above photo -- manipulated to enhance the suspense -- for official announcement. Then follow Beth's advice, and "get yourselves over to the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler if you are brave enough and pay your respects!"
Technorati tags: demonizing condi, king of cotillion
As a followup, you may be interested in a technical analysis that I've performed on the condi images.
Posted by: MrBig | October 29, 2005 at 03:15 PM