Cindy Sheehan as the Mother of God in "The Assumption of the Virgin" by Anthony van Dyck (1627. Oil on canvas. The National Gallery of Art, Washington) and as the Self-Appointed Leader of the Free World being arrested by DC police officers while "the whole world is watching" (Inset photo by Evan Vucci, AP).
"Were we able to psychologically profile the demonstrators, we'd find that most of them have a great deal in common: Disappointing lives, failed relationships and the desperate need for a cause of any kind," writes Ralph Peters in the New York Post [via Lucianne] re why Cindy Sheehan and her fellow anti-Americans -- like the Islamicist terrorists themselves -- hate us. As Mother Sheehan was lifted upward and gently carried off by two virile young members of the heavenly host DC Police Department yesterday -- arrested, as she had intended, for demonstrating without a permit -- her worshippers intoned the hippie anthem of old, "The whole world is watching." Her beatification was complete.
"Peters describes their acting out behavior as 'Protest Therapy,'" notes Dr. Sanity, "but participating in these protest circuses is far from 'therapeutic,'" she adds:
Unfortunately, the attention the participants receive -- from the media and from other unhappy little souls of the left -- only reinforces their underlying narcissism and encourages exhibitionistic and childish behavior that contributes little or nothing of substance to their own or to other people's lives.
Actually it's much worse. While our military are over there making the world safe for democracy, these self-absorbed remnants of Sixties radicalism are in effect making the world safe for the enemies of democracy. We took heart from the common sense and courage in this email Beth posted today at her blog, My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, from a reader calling himself MGySgt who is serving over in Iraq at Al Asad:
I think you would be amazed at the morale of the young military people here. I know I am. I’ve been in for over 28 years and I have seen good and bad. These youngsters are getting the job done in a way I would never have imagined. They go on convoys, get shot at or have IEDs go off, then they return still in high spirits. The trick here is to convince the bad guys they have been beat. The idiots at the peace rallies are what’s really hurting since the stated goals of the insurgents is to break down public support for the war in the US. I heard the other day that 52% of the people back home think we are losing. I would be worried if it was 1995 and this was the case, but Bush doesn’t govern via polls like Clinton did. That’s one thing we all appreciate about the president; he sticks to the plan.
"Did you get that? Peace rallies serve THE INSURGENTS. Protesting the war is NOT 'supporting the troops,' and no one with a shred of common sense believes it does," exhorts Beth in a rousing salute -- with Marine-style graphics -- to the leadership of our superb troops in harm's way. As we've blogged before, the real issue is, whom do we select as our peers. Whether you're a self-absorbed anti-American protest queen like Mother Sheehan or a self-sacrificing man in uniform like Beth's Marine correspondent or -- like most of us -- something in between, everyone wants to be a worthwhile member of a worthwhile group. If we can't succeed in the mainstream, we seek out what Peter Rowbotham calls a "system of honor that is an alternative to mainstream moral orders."
Technorati tags: Cindy Sheehan, Mother Sheehan
What a fantastic post, Sissy! As always, I'm impressed and reminded why you're one of my absolute favorite writers (and not just 'cause you tossed me the linky love)! ;-)
Posted by: Beth | September 27, 2005 at 10:32 PM
Thanks for the lovely words, Beth, and thanks for all you do to keep the homefires burning. :)
Posted by: Sissy Willis | September 27, 2005 at 10:52 PM
A true picture of the way it is. Islam has begun an undeclared war on the rest of the world. They see Western Civilization with its fragmented, overindulgent culture as the soft underbelly and believe they can defeat us. They will be right if the ignorant intellectual morons among us can persuade us that all we have to do is support peace.
Posted by: goomp | September 28, 2005 at 07:23 AM
So what is it with these people and wanting to be carted off like a sack of potatoes? *grin*
Posted by: Teresa | September 28, 2005 at 09:59 AM
You've nailed it! It's hard to remember the grieving mother when watching the glory hound. Practically perfect post.
Posted by: pb | September 28, 2005 at 02:06 PM
Sissy, you are amazing. You express so eloquently in words and pictures what I can't even hint at to myself sometimes in my own mind.
A friend who's stationed at Abu Ghraib is on leave, currently visiting us. He says that though the insurgency (and laughs at that term) really wants the prison back, they aren't going to get it. We've got them way outgunned. Though it aggravates him, he's not too surprised at the slant of media coverage. He just gets tired at explaining that we are doing good there and that, no, he's not making it up.
Posted by: bebere | September 29, 2005 at 07:29 PM
I am Generation X. I am quite successful financially, and have earned my way to the top through good old-fashioned hard work. I am hardly a remnant of a '60's peace movement. I wasn't even born until after 1970. I am a law-abiding citizen, and am fiercely Patriotic. I believe in the American Way. I believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. I believe in the hard-won Freedoms which our Founding Fathers drafted into these two documents after the American Revolutionary War. I believe in our national response to stop the despotism and dictatorial aggression of the Nazis and Japanese Imperialism in World War II. I fly our flag with respect. Several of my family members have served in the Armed Forces.
And I am TOTALLY AGAINST the War in Iraq. You people should be ashamed of yourselves for being whitewashed into believing that this war is about combating the War on Terror. This war is about securing oil-fields for the corporate elite. This war is about us becoming the Imperialists. This war is about us becoming the tyrants. Open your eyes.
There is no 9/11 - Iraq connection. There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction. Do your homework and read the 9/11 Commission's report. And then read Errors and Ommissions which was published shortly thereafter. The Federal Government not only had advance warning of the attacks, as part of standard procedure they should have immediately scrambled fighters to intercept and destroy these aircraft before they were used to take the lives of thousands. I have no time for arguments postulated by idiots like yourselves who are too lazy to do the research and instead believe everything that is spoon-fed to them on CNN and Fox News. Imbeciles.
I am American and willing to put my life on the line to defend the principles of this country, and you shall see that there are thousands of us will do just that should the government overstep its bounds and fall into the hands of those who wish to exercise dictatorial and tyrannical power. Samuel Adams. Patrick Henry. Paul Revere. George Washington. Benjamin Franklin. James Madison. Those are the real American heroes. Not these fools we have in the White House of today.
I would be willing to bet that close to none of you are familiar with the Constitution, and how you threw our liberties out the window with the passage of the Patriot Act.
And now that our liberties have evaporated before our eyes, God help us if they ever break up the NRA with gun control laws, for that will truly be the end of America, and the beginning of Amerika.
Why don't you people start thinking for yourselves and wake up before it's too late.
You should be ashamed to call yourself Americans. Period.
Posted by: An American Patriot | October 09, 2005 at 03:27 PM
Ah yes, the old turn it around and call everyone who disagrees with you names.
Not very grown up behaviour.
I think you need to educate yourself a little and quit putting all your energy into hating President Bush.
Go read VDH for a few days. He is a democrat so you should listen to his view of things at least.
Papa Ray
West Texas
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Posted by: Tips on cat care information | May 22, 2008 at 05:57 PM